Blue x Blue Breeding Yes or No ?
Its a hot topic that divides opinion……Blue x Blue or Blue x Black breeding ?
We love blues , there is no doubt about that, we are Vaderblustaf of course!!....... However there is no doubt careless unlicensed, unregulated over breeding of blue on blue can result in a weak, dilute pigment and end up with a really shabby looking blue Staffordshire bull terriers when they mature into adults. Most of the pups for sale online, probably 90% are exactly that, just low quality SBTs, blue on blue, generation after generation with very little thought if any put into improving the lines and producing the best possible pups maximising % of healthy offspring and minimising % of future issues. Remember, all puppies are cute its what they grow into that really matters……. which is the difference in choosing an experienced licensed breeder.
Darcy herself from a Blue x black mating and Dave BULLSCAFF NOTORIOUS from blue x blue with 2 black grandparents (credit Bullscaff)
Breeding blue on blue, or breeding any two SBTs regardless of colour, only works if they are healthy examples of the breed and importantly their coat and skin are in great condition and there is a knowledge and understanding of the parents, grandparents and what qualities they bring to the breeding, it is a massive advantage if they come from black lines. We have done this for years and we have had some quality blues with quality coats, in the early days through good luck rather than good judgement but over many years, gaining knowledge and experience it is certainly true having strong black lines within a pedigree produces better quality blue pups, that is for sure. Breeding is more than just blindly putting two dogs together and producing a litter of pups. The problem isn’t breeding two healthy blues together, two blues don’t suddenly create a problem, the problems arise when unlicensed backyard breeders over breed poor quality blues, diluting the colour generation after generation producing more poor quality SBTs which eventually causes CDA (Colour/dilution/alopecia) This was a relatively uncommon condition but over the past decade with the popularity of blues, combined with the unregulated over breeding of blues and lack enforcement unfortunately CDA is becoming more common.
Darcy having scan which confirmed her litter of pups carrying both Blue and black.
In 2024 we are proud at Vaderblustaf 60% of our matings produced pups that have come from Blue x Black matings and the Blue x Blue matings we did came from healthy Blues with fantastic coats and skin. Moving forward in 2025 and beyond this is a philosophy we will continue, we will further increase and strengthen our black lines within our breeding programme so producing the best possible Blue and black pups with pedigrees to match for years to come.
It is impossible for even a professional licensed breeder to eliminate health conditions 100%, but by selective breeding we can endeavour to maximise the % of pups that go on to live full, happy, healthy lives and absolutely minimise the % health issues in the future.
Always improving, always learning and always moving forward with the knowledge only experience can give. We are Vaderblustaf !!
Dave as a pup aka Bullscaff Notorious a great example of a blue from strong black lines
A black pup from one of our Blue x Black matings.