Coi % & Line Breeding… Often misunderstood ??
The Coi % of a black female born here at Vaderblustaf in 2023
As breeders our average Coi (Coefficient of Inbreeding ) over the past 3 years for our pups has been 8.7%, which is below the breed average but what does this actually mean ??? And how important is it ??? Alot of people see these figures but if they are honest don't understand them, Coi is only one factor in the bigger picture.
Valglo Singin’ the Blues a top, well bred boy with a higher Coi but the lines to back it up. I’ve always admired this boy.
The massive misconception is if the Coi % is higher than the breed average then that pup/dog is interbred ? Well to a degree yes but to a transparent degree measured in % which is easy to understand. To someone who doesn't understand Coi a figure of 20% they think 'WOW' thats massive, well someone who understands line breeding thinks 80% diversity in that pedigree. What it does mean is the pup is more likely to look like the parents, have consistency from that line and take on their genetic and physical qualities which is why line breeding is important to those producing top show dogs and champions, they gain the consistency as the gene pool is smaller. It is also obvious for this to work it's vital to breed from quality, healthy dogs. Clearly if there is a smaller gene pool health must be of upmost importance within that line.
The Coi % of our Stud Dave.
When a quality line is built, there has to be an element of line breeding to produce the standard offspring you are aiming for, a unique look that defines that line. If the Coi is so small, well below the breed average and the pedigree is massively diverse then the offspring, how they turn out is an absolute lottery. Often people who breed purely for a low Coi have no idea of the dogs that feature in the pedigree, so don't know the quality, physical appearance or health of the dogs that feature in the pedigree. This is blind breeding based on the low Coi which devalues the point of a low Coi. This inculdes where poor features and problems have been present somewhere within that very diverse pedigree. It is also true a responsible, experienced breeder producing pups with a more diverse pedigree and a low Coi featuring only healthy, impressive SBTs can work great if the breeder truely knows the lines behind that low Coi figure. Breeding without that knowledge of the lines based on purely a low Coi is nothing more than a genetic lottery.
Great head shot, well bred boy with a low 6.9% Coi but the lines to back that up.
The advantage of line breeding is for instance the four grandparents, a line coming from both sides you can almost guarantee the look and type of offspring you will produce and when there is a particular quality of bloodline you want to carry on this is a brilliant way of maintaining the line for future years. The famous Valglo are masters of this, line breeding a particular look that wins big prizes in the show world and a look that is admired all over the world. They do this by carefully selecting the best healthy examples within their and line and keeping that line strong in future breeding. Without this knowledge and planning the line would disappear. The difference with an experienced breeder line breeding, they will have knowledge of the parents, grandparents and even further back so none of this is done blind based on a % figure . Another thing experienced breeders do is omit dogs from their breeding programmes that have had any health issues, don't make the standard or for Instance have had a C-section/genetic injuries further protecting the genetics in that line and strengthening the quality for the future. Health must be the first thought in any breeding programme regardless of Coi.
knowledge of the lines is key as well as the Coi%
If you look at some of these very famous SBTs over the years and ones who have done well in the shows and others who have been and are big players in the breeding world then their Coi can often be as high as 25% You see novice breeders, shouting from the roof tops that their pedigrees have Valglo or other famous names featuring in them yet have no idea of Coi the pros / cons and what it even means.
All higher than the breed average but all top quality SBTs who feature on many 5 generation pedigrees and are admired far and wide.
Black, Blue, low Coi, higher Coi and the lines behind the % its all about balance.
Having a higher Coi% or a lowers Coi% really doesn't mean much at all unless you understand the lines behind that figure. You can have a quality, healthy SBT with a low Coi just as you can have a quality, healthy SBT with a higher Coi the key is putting the time into understanding and judging each pedigree on its own merits.
Coi, line breeding and out breeding is something experienced breeders aim to balance throughout the course of any breeding programme.
Humans don't have 5 generation pedigrees or montior Coi, I wonder what average Coi % would be in certain geographical areas of the country!! (no locations specified!!) Food for thought !!! LOL